One never ceases to be amazed at all the esteemed "analysts," "journalists," and self-styled opinion makers who either detour into the realm of amateur psychiatry or simply fall back on ad hominem condemnation of D. Trump. It almost never fails that they fill their "analysis" with completely unsupported allegations that he is "bad," or "lazy" (like Reagan, of course, whom they also despise and whose deeply held and well thought out convictions they hand wave away). Yet, to judge both men by objective standards, one would be forced to admit that they each led very successful lives as well as leading America generally into eras of prosperity, national happiness and international peace. Under Reagan, global communism in the form of the USSR collapsed and Americans enjoyed what was called a "peace dividend." Under Trump, the threat of violent jihadi islam was throttled and Russian, Chinese and North Korean aggression was stymied. Of course, those who hate all things traditional America were and continue to be displeased, so they create boogeymen in their fertile imaginations to replace the real Reagan and Trump. Are you a sexual pervert? Do you think killing children in the womb is a "Constitutional right"? Do you believe that socialism, despite its unblemished record of abject failure is a good thing? Are you fearful that "climate change" is going to extinguish life on Earth within a decade? Then step right this way, vent all your spleen on Trump and Reagan--it's all their fault! "Decent people" (by which it is meant people who think and act just like perfect little me) must shun such types. Whatever will our fellow bubble dwellers think? Well, (as Reagan was fond of prefacing an insightful riposte) I have a clue for you. Most of America, the 99% who fail to qualify as "elite," think Reagan and Trump were and are exactly what the country in which they live, work and raise their families needed then and need again now. What these "99%'ers" don't want or need is another phony limousine liberal, soi disant "socialist" like Bernie "three homes for me and none for you" Sanders or the equally repugnant hypocrite, Senator Fauxcahontas from Massachusetts.

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I can't imagine Trump winning, but can imagine if he did, he'd screw up carefully laid plans. I think decent people should stay far away from him. He seems to have the effect of tearing down rather than building up. I really believe Trump is the leader of a mass movement in Eric Hoffer's descriptions. There is nothing that can be done, except a counter mass movement (Bernie, ex.) or letting it burn out. He is not a highly successful, esteemed businessman, but plays one.

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