To have estimated Biden to have "failed" requires attributing to him a degree of independent agency in the first place. That is, such an opinion presumes that Biden personally made certain choices that proved detrimental to the country. The simple fact is that he was chosen, not to actually govern, but to implement the will of those who hold the reins of power, while maintaining a pretense of actual governance. To say he "failed" is to say that the pencil "failed" when the answer written by the student is incorrect. Biden is a "tool" in every sense of the word, wielded by others to implement their vision of America. The "radical transformation" begun by Obama is simply being continued under Biden's nominal headship, but Biden himself is no more responsible than the two year old who soils his pants because he lacks the physical and mental acuity to be held accountable for the mess he makes. The ones to blame are those who profess support for him and the agenda being implemented by the cabal that holds his strings. Having said that, I despise Biden all the more for the fact that he allowed himself to be turned into a tool. I would wish for his demise but for my desire to see him beaten like a red-headed stepchild in the 2024 election. After that humiliation and repudiation of all he stood for, his death cannot come too soon.

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This article uses too many namby-pamby words and phrases that underplay the mess this puppet and its administration, with plenty of help from Rhinos, has perpetrated against America - one can only accept that the goal was to destroy this country the moment that mind-absent cretin on behalf of his puppet-masters took the oath of office.

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