Many thanks for your kind Easter wishes. In response, allow me to say, somewhat prematurely but no less enthusiastically, "Chag Sameach!" to you. As a practising Christian, I found it offensive beyond words that Biden (or more precisely, the cabal of communists, perverts, degenerates and assorted leftoid trash that actually comprises the "Biden Administration") would issue a Presidential Proclamation demanding that we praise, celebrate, endorse and laud the tiny minority of soi-disant "transgendenders" in our midst on the one day out of the year that we acknowledge the Resurrection, the single most significant day in the Christian liturgical calendar. The clear and unequivocal message has been delivered to every Christian American. It is only fair that we return the favor by cashiering the current verminous rabble that occupies the White House, and until we have been successful in doing so via the electoral route, to do everything possible to resist further encroachments on our casred, God-given rights. Deus Vult! Christ is King!

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Glad Påsk

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Thank you

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