Ganesh goes a bit too far here with

"Europe has a lack of major tech com­pan­ies,"

ARM is the company behind the CPUs in every cell phone and dozens of other things around the houce including of course Raspebrry PI computers (also a UK based company) which may be the largest selling line of general purpose computers ever.

Or has Ganesh decided that Brexit matters and the UK is not in Europe.? He's also omitting all the drug companies, agrichemical companies and so on headquartred in Europe

Now I think he's kind of right in that most of what Europe produces is prestige goods and locations but it does do some other stuff too and his phrasing seems to suggest it doesn't

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"mon­et­ise its own prestige" I hope for their egos no one points out to Europeans that doing so has been a big part of Trump's business brand.

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