A question first, then a comment. The question: Do we know that "she" was a "woman"? I mean, we have plenty of examples of biological males cosplaying as females, not to mention those who chemically or surgically alter themselves to pretend to be female. And since this was apparently a "queers for palestine" bunch that he got involved with, one must seriously consider this question. So as far as I am concerned, the jury is out on the identity of the players. My comment: I am tired, fed up, done with this "heckler's veto" crap. Those who espouse partisan positions by silencing or attempting to silence their opposition are precisely the reason why we must not allow that silencing to take place. So, I understand that disengaging from confrontation has some merit in the real world (especially if said confrontation is with an armed opponent or involves more than one opponent), but as a philosophical matter, it is never the best choice. It is simply giving in to a bully and we all know what that leads to--more bullying. What infuriates me nonetheless is the undeniable fact that our supposed "law enforcement" apparatus now only enforces in one direction. The latest example is the failure of any attempt to arrest or even restrain the activities of those defacing public property in the name of "free gaza," but the arrest and leveling of felony crimes against some kids who dared to run over the "pride" flag painted on a public street! So, if you vandalize another's property in the name of the "right" social justice cause du jour, it's A-OK, but if you dare express opposition to or disapproval of an "officially approved" social justice cause, you get the book thrown at you. As far as I am concerned, Mr. Kaye, regardless of any other fault or failing he may have, deserves to join the pantheon of American heroes currently inhabited by, among many others, Kyle Rittenhouse, Nick Sandmann and, of course, Donald J. Trump.

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Sounds like you're suggesting one should stay off public streets and ignore, rather than comment on or, heaven forbid, confront blatant evil.

I admit some might feel horsewhipping the lot of them to be a bit excessive but even the most woke should have a problem construing 'you're on the wrong side' as fighting words.

As to hitting a woman; if you were surrounded by a blood seeking mob, be it four of forty, to escape with your life are you going to charge through the 250 pound guy with the baseball bat or the 90 pound girl with the can of White Claw?

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"Avoid conflict." Isn't that exactly what a large percentage of the German population did in the 1930's? And then it was too late. At what point should you take a stand? When is the right time to speak up? To stand up?

I think it rather courageous that he was willing to defend his beliefs, despite the personal cost. Would that we had more like him.

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Sounds like the "fight" was started by the "Queers for Gaza" group; his "wrong side" comment was verbal, not physical. So he had every right to defend himself against being knocked to the ground and having some "liquid" thrown on him.

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