Oh my, Stuart. How very... recherche of you to think that in today's swirling morass of immorality, narcicism, solipcism and self-promotion one should actually be personally responsible of some faux pas! Our politicians have shown us the value of the hollow apology, which traditionally begins with the phrase, " If I offended anyone..." Obviously, the person offering such a non-apology is clearly signaling that he or she simply did not offend anyone with the correct view of the situation, but only those knuckledraggers among the hoi polloi who should be ignored, but are too numerous to just be handwaved away. Take the Clintons, for example. When credibly accused of debauchery with an intern, rather than resign in disgrace and never again appear in public, as would have been the decent thing to do, Bill initially denied everything, then chose to drag the nation through a tawdry episode, which we can now regard as the first of many such episodes. Taking a cue from her husband's behavior, when Hillary lost to Trump, instead of retiring gracefully from the public sphere, she decided to enact her revenge on the country that rejected her. Talk about the woman scorned. Yet both of them remain visibly with us, continuing to stink up the joint with their fetid undead-yet-still-rotting corpses.

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I'm sorry I'm late...

I saw a dog.

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