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I often work in a predominantly Black area of Boston and have had many conversations with residents over the last 20 years. Two things that I have observed. One, the great majority of the crime and other social ills in the neighborhoods are caused by 12-30 year old males. They literally own the streets and the other residents are terrified of them. The second is that the residents I have spoken to, law abiding tenants mostly in subsidized housing are far bigger proponents of law and order than one would be led to believe. These people, the ones on the front line of anarchy, would love to see their neighborhoods cleaned up. And in private conversation, they have ideas for cleaning it up that would make a Klansman blush. They are sick and tired of being terrified to walk to the store or even sit on their front stoop at night.

Unfortunately, their voices are totally muted by the so-called neighborhood leaders and community organizers who know which side their bread is buttered on. So long as the community remains a drug-ravaged, crime-ridden ghetto, the federal. state, city and private dollars will flow in through grants and improvement programs all of which will be administered at high salaries by these grifters.

All opposition or even questioning is silenced and the doubter publicly shamed. Speak up at a community meeting and your government dependent life will suddenly become very complicated. Your benefits will suddenly come into question and your eligibility for your free housing may be terminated.

These race hustlers parade through the community like old-time South Boston Irish politicians glad-handing, giving away other people's money and riding on empty promises. At least the old time Irish chest-puffers handed out jobs.

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