I appreciate your stuff, but..............

I am trying to convince people not to use Substack. As a physician, I abhor concierge medicine, medical care for those who can pay extra. I also abhor information and opinion for those who can pay extra-the model Substack best represents. My local NPR station was doing a pledge drive. They acknowledged that many listeners don't pay but encouraged folks to pledge so that other people are not stuck behind paywalls. Substack wants people stuck behind paywalls. What kind of society will that produce? Isn't the answer obvious? Do we need more inequality? Surely you understand this. I encourage you to find another venue. Or convince Substack to have a "pay what you will" policy.

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Thanks for the report, Stu. I tried to read the HBR article but didn't make it very far. A very destructive approach to racial relationships. Scott Adams was right.

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