Does it occur to anyone beside me that it is just possible---just, mind you--that these people allegedly writing (as long as that term includes scribbling words on paper or typing them out on a keyboard instead of producing a meaningful piece of literature) about their amorous (again, I am not sure that word means what they think it means) adventures may be lying? Or at least exaggerating their experiences? After all, everyone knew that the "Letters to Penthouse" were made up by twelve year old boys dealing with their first explosion of hormones and not meant to be taken seriously. Yet here we are, discussing these books as if they reflect reality. Of course, if the auteurs of these works are being truthful, are we anything more than mere voyeurs, or to be less haughty about our curiosity, Peeping Toms, by reading and reviewing them? As for me, I prefer something less vulgar (such a Victorian word!) and more ennobling. Of course, there are those who prefer to wallow in the slop along with the rest of the pigs. A chacun son goût, I suppose.

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Slowly, slowly it comes. The awareness that not all things legitimized by females are moral, or ethical.

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This behavior is what people do who have no respect, neither for themselves nor anyone else. Seeking fulfillment in hedonism eventually leads to vast emptiness, loneliness and isolation - a great void of nothingness.

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Extramarital affairs, promiscuity, same sex liaisons and orgies are nothing new. The need to publicize every single detail of it is. Discretion and privacy are apparently outmoded concepts.

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