
Thank you for the clarification.

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Dr. Hanson is a national treasure. He is one of the voices of sanity to whom we can turn in these times of lies and confusion and be assured that his facts are true and his analyses accurate. I have read him for a long time, ever since he published his treatise on the Pelopennesian Wars, aptly titled, "A War Like No Other." We are now also in a war like no other in American history and his views on that war are based on his deep knowledge of historical precedents. Sadly, it is clear that he has become more pessimistic about our prospects and his written warnings are becoming more Cassandra-like with each passing day. I share his pessimism, although not his intellect, but it is just possible that, with men like him to lead the way, we may yet find our way out of the mess into which we have been led by feckless, stupid and sinful leaders and their willing dupe followers. Yes, I'm looking at you, Joe Biden and every single one of the losers, leftists and lunatics who voted for him.

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Mary Richardson was Kennedy's second wife. His first wife was Emily Black. He cheated on her extensively throughout their marriage. Richardson was pregnant when he and Black were finally divorced. Very, very shortly after divorcing her, he married Richardson.

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