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The losers are not only in denial, they're thriving on their worst fantasies. They convince themselves and each other that they are all going to end up in concentration camps, egged on by the likes of Steven Colbert and Kathy Griffin. They're convinced that the country is about to enter a real life version of The Handmaid's Tale and that all LBGTQ people will be sent for re-education.

When asked why none of this happened after the 2016 election, their answers make no sense. All they know is Orange Man bad. They waffle between the opposing ideas that Trump is either the stupidest person on Earth or the most conniving, evil dictator since Hitler, or possibly even Hitler's reincarnation.

There is not dealing with people who refuse to recognize reality. All we can do is laugh at them, mock them and hope that the scales fall from their eyes. We can also be glad that they are a small and diminishing minority.

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