As it so frequently happens, your perusal of the "news o' the day" prompts a few thoughts of my own, which I will presume to share, as follows. First, why would Biden have any reason to know anything about one of the people whose selection for a sensitive position in his administration he had no more to do with than signing the paperwork his handlers put before him? And why would it be of significance that the POC who was chosen for him to appoint as SecDef was missing, since that person likewise has nothing to do but put a public black face in front of the public while the members of the cabal who are running things remain safely and securely anonymous? It's all just a theatrical performance designed to fool "the people" into believing that the vegetable they voted for has anything to do with running the country. Next, while the cabal touts the numbers of "job creation" (which are themselves pretty bogus, see, https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/initial-us-employment-reports-overstated-jobs) a quick look at what "jobs" have been created reveals that the majority are in government or social services type positions, not productive private sector jobs. Basically, our economy consists of groups of people getting paid for doing each other's laundry, while a third group lurks around, making sure that everyone plays by the current government-imposed employment guidelines. And finally, why would anyone think that our esteemed "news" organizations would publicize the bigoted activities of one of its favored groups, which includes moslems, soi disant "palestinians," and sexual deviants of all stripes? The blanket immunity rule currently in force precludes such things, just as it also precludes any public criticism of blacks or other favored ethnic or sexual groups. Witness the lack of media interest in the fact that many recent school shooters are trannies (still waiting for publication of the Nashville trannie shooter's manifesto beyond the few pages leaked by Crowder) and the fact that almost all car theft is perpetrated by blacks or hispanics. Of course, there is the long con the media have been playing about "gun violence," failing always to point out that most of that is also perpetrated by those two ethnicities. They have no trouble telling us the race/ethnicity of the victims, however, but always leave off identifying the perp beyond "youth," "man" or some other generic descriptor unless the perp is white.

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You got to admit, interesting times!

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