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That is a good point. By denying that Biden has Parkinson's, they are keeping him from being effectively treated.

It's not the first time. JFK's Addison's disease was long-standing, and the meds they poured into him in an effort to boost his performance temporarily likely made the underlying disease worse.

Grover had cancer of the jaw, and even went to the extent of having the tumor removed on a moving yacht! https://www.npr.org/2011/07/06/137621988/a-yacht-a-mustache-how-a-president-hid-his-tumor

And, then, there is Wilson, whose stroke put him out of action for an extended. His wife handled the necessary affairs of state for the last year and a half of his presidency.

So, not unprecedented, although still quite foolish.

The bigger issue is that Joe is "functioning" during a far more dangerous time, when our enemies - declared and undeclared - are probing for weak spots, militarily, economically, and culturally.

Jill Biden is in Edith's position as POTUS, and, although she is certainly making strong efforts to keep his appearances under control, she is NOT up to the job of managing the affairs of state.


What about Kamala?

I think she has not been acting to put the 25th Amendment to the test, in great part because she well knows she is NOT up to the task (if true, one of the most sensible decisions she ever made). A larger part of that reluctance would be fear that she would be shoved out of the way, and any secrets/scandals that are backed by evidence would be used to pressure her into 'gracefully' bowing out. By doing so, BEFORE being elevated to the presidency, she would leave a complete void in the Executive Office, and grease the way for The Order of Succession to come into play.

Who is next in line? Mike Johnson - a Republican (although one with shaky support).

President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Patty Murray - Democratic. I'm sure Hillary would be spitting nails at the idea that HER historic elevation to the presidency had been derailed by Murray!

Next in Line? Secretary of State, currently filled with the heavily connected Antony Blinken. He was tight with the Obama team, and has wide international connections. So, IF he were the choice, the Global Oligarchy could be said to have achieved complete control.

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