CBS, once famous for "fake but accurate" news (thanks, Dan Rather) is now just going for fake.

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I see a pattern developing here. Put a female in a position of power and the result is generally less than optimal, to wit:. Female ship's captain grounds her vessel which eventually sinks. Female "journalists" fail to ask relevant questions on issues of import, preferring to dwell on girlie things. Male journalist attempts, even feebly, to question female candidate and gets his interview "rearranged" by his editors. Likewise with an attempt by a white journalist to question a black racist about his racism, who is then called to task by his female "boss" and made to submit a groveling apology. Female university presidents coddle Jew hating faculty and students--even when the presidents are themselves Jewish. One notable example not featured today, but clearly extant is the condition of the popular cinema, where "grrll power" and feminist dogma rules and box office receipts plummet in direct proportion. Now let us extrapolate to the national presidential race, where we have a self-proclaimed black (of questionable validity) female candidate who, by every measure is incompetent, uninformed, duplicitous and without any detectable redeeming qualities yet who seems to be supported by roughly half of the voting public. (Note well that about the same percentage of the voting public is female. Coincidence or not? You decide.) Is there enough evidence to allow one to predict the fate of our country should the said female candidate be (s)elected to captain our ship of state? I, for one, am confident that the SS America will suffer the same fate as the HMNZS Manawanui. Best to check the status of the life rafts, just in case.

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