And what about the voters who might vote for Trump, but who might be dissuaded by certain associations. As I said and as the Journal pointed out, you should be careful who you associate with. The same applies to political candidates. Tucker has damaged himself. Associating with a damaged product is damaging. How about leaving the anti-Semitism to the Democrats.

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I have cancelled Tucker. I now block his emails. Coopers views not only were wrong they were EVIL.

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Trump and Vance need to distance themselves from Carlson.

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."

- Proverbs 13:20

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The Republican party has to part ways with Carlson. Just when the party is gaining in contrast to the anti-Semitism of the Democratic party, he pulls this cr#p. Very bad. I hope Trump and Vance visibly spin Carlson off.

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Yalta, February 1945.

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Not a single Trump voter will refrain from casting a ballot for Trump on account of either Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper or any other guest on Tucker's podcast or, for that matter, anything Tucker Carlson might say about any topic whatsoever. People will vote for Trump because of Trump and what he did and promises to do in the future to salvage what remains of traditional America. I hope you have gotten off your chest all you require to resume your usual cogent analysis and I shall look forward to the absence of this topic henceforth.

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Former Carlson fan. If you pay attention, people tell you who they are. He's a self described A hole. Its clear he does not read widely. If much at all. He has dyslexia. He over compensates with his boisterous personality. While he was pretty helpful at Fox he veered into fringe territory after leaving. Its become more obvious that he really was a jerk at work at Fox. There is more to that story. I consider myself a revisionist of sorts on WW2. But to be clear my views on the genocidal killing by Germany remains mainline. I would suggest that "Holocaust" is inadequate to describe what happened. It was much worse than simply eradicating Jews. They were equal opportunity mass terminators. So the true magnitude of the Nazi crimes is much bigger than Jewish genocide. This does not in anyway diminish the Holocaust. Witnessing the eruption of Jew hatred in Europe and the USA is alarming. As for Churchill, the subject is very complex and Churchill worship is a bit too much. He certainly was not Dr Evil. Yalta put a stain on him and FDR. I believe in being as objective about history and people as is humanly possible. History often becomes a bit more accurate as time moves on and generations pass away. This is why the reappraisal of WW2 is not a bad thing. However, Tucker and his guest are giant steps backward.

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