I favor Israel's victory over hamas. I favor Israel's victory over hez b'allah, when that times arrives--- and I am convinced it will very soon. I favor the complete and utter destruction of islamic militancy wherever it may be found. I favor the continued existence of the traditional American nation. I favor the electoral defeat of every democrat politician as well as every republican politician who has supported democrat policies in the name of "bipartisanship." I favor the arrest and repatriation of every illegal resident of The United States of America and the immediate suspension of all further immigration, no matter where the immigrants originate. I favor the elimination of every racist "affirmative action" program currently being implemented. I favor the public humiliation, shaming and shunning of every left wing member of the media, every feminist, every transsexual and everyone who supports or defends any part of their programs. I favor the return of Biblical principles to government, education, public discourse and private behavior. Here I stand. I can do no other.

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There, they are not coming after the Jews.

Here they're not coming after President Trump.

In both cases they are coming after you, me, and civilization, the Jews and Trump are just in the way.

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