Supporters of "diversity," which, in its current manifestation really means "anti-American," can largely be broken down into two categories. The first is the self-seeking group of beneficiaries of the spoils made available to them by virtue of government handouts, set-asides and reverse discrimination. They are the largest, but probably the least troublesome group since they are lacking in initiative, drive or motivation to assert their individual status. The reason they are in this group is because of their passivity and lack of individual excellence or merit, so they are content to stand in line for the next government benefit like a herd of cows waiting for their feeding trough to be filled by the farmer. The biggest danger they pose is simply that of numbers, since the more of them that exist, the harder it becomes for the farmer-government to fill their trough. Potentially, they can cause the destruction of society simply by demanding more than is available. The second and more acutely dangerous group is composed of those who know this yet seek to expand the role and reach of "diversity." It is they who consciously seek to use "diversity" to undermine and ultimate overthrow our social structure in order to achieve some ulterior purpose, In some cases it is a revenge fantasy to get even with all those anonymous people who have failed to recognize their stellar qualities. These are "The Joker" types who are simply anti-social and anti-human and want to watch the world burn for some demonic reason. Karl Marx also comes to mind. Then there are the "do-gooders" who desire to impose their version of "good" on everybody else. They are the ones C.S. Lewis warned us about; those who seek to impose tyranny in the name of "social justice." Ominously, Marx and his followers also fit into this category. But behind their self-anointed beneficence is the desire to rise above everyone else in order to gain a better position from which to stomp on their faces, pace Orwell. Their outward show of virtue is cover for their inward bitterness and egotism. We are at a point in America where a critical mass of these two groups may have arisen and if so, we are doomed. The Cloward-Piven strategy may have attained sufficient momentum to achieve its horrible goal.
Supporters of "diversity," which, in its current manifestation really means "anti-American," can largely be broken down into two categories. The first is the self-seeking group of beneficiaries of the spoils made available to them by virtue of government handouts, set-asides and reverse discrimination. They are the largest, but probably the least troublesome group since they are lacking in initiative, drive or motivation to assert their individual status. The reason they are in this group is because of their passivity and lack of individual excellence or merit, so they are content to stand in line for the next government benefit like a herd of cows waiting for their feeding trough to be filled by the farmer. The biggest danger they pose is simply that of numbers, since the more of them that exist, the harder it becomes for the farmer-government to fill their trough. Potentially, they can cause the destruction of society simply by demanding more than is available. The second and more acutely dangerous group is composed of those who know this yet seek to expand the role and reach of "diversity." It is they who consciously seek to use "diversity" to undermine and ultimate overthrow our social structure in order to achieve some ulterior purpose, In some cases it is a revenge fantasy to get even with all those anonymous people who have failed to recognize their stellar qualities. These are "The Joker" types who are simply anti-social and anti-human and want to watch the world burn for some demonic reason. Karl Marx also comes to mind. Then there are the "do-gooders" who desire to impose their version of "good" on everybody else. They are the ones C.S. Lewis warned us about; those who seek to impose tyranny in the name of "social justice." Ominously, Marx and his followers also fit into this category. But behind their self-anointed beneficence is the desire to rise above everyone else in order to gain a better position from which to stomp on their faces, pace Orwell. Their outward show of virtue is cover for their inward bitterness and egotism. We are at a point in America where a critical mass of these two groups may have arisen and if so, we are doomed. The Cloward-Piven strategy may have attained sufficient momentum to achieve its horrible goal.